Research visit to the University of Cambridge

Kings   college dinner

This week I was hosted by Prof David Edwards at the Department of Plant Sciences of the University of Cambridge for a 2-day visit to exchange some exciting ideas about potential collaborations and birds!

I was very excited to hear about the projects from the members of the lab. From very interesting research on leakage effects of habitat protection in parts of sub-saharan Africa (by Xinran) and cool ideas on the potential effects of fire on forest and community regeneration (by Dom), to exciting research ideas on the effects of climate warming on tropical bird communities (Julia’s project).

Xinran kindly helped organising a seminar I presented about current work in our lab on Assessing the effects of protected areas on spatial food webs for the Department. The seminar sparked a nice discussion on modelling approaches for conservation that I am hoping would serve as a basis for future joint projects.


Aside from the interesting scientific sessions we had, it was very inspiring just to work for a couple of days at the David Attenborough Building, where many nature conservation NGOs such as BirdLife and RSPB are based. A truly inspiring place to work.

The members of the lab also took me for a College lunch, Harry Potter style! It was nice to experience college life once again even if for one day.

A great couple of days overall. Thanks very much David, Xinran, Dom, Julia, and Alex for the hospitality.